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Cost of violence to the global economy



People are forcibly displaced



Are experiencing internal conflicts



Signed peace agreements relapse into conflict within a decade

What we do

Too often peace agreements do not last. There are now more conflicts in the world than at any time since 1946 and they have become increasingly complex and driven by multiple factors. 

Traditional peacemaking models - heavily embedded in “Western” norms - are under pressure.  And there are increasingly powerful actors that do not adhere to these same norms, but who are relevant in addressing conflicts.


The last two decades have witnessed the rise of new key actors, in particular, countries at the regional level, that have become more active in conflict prevention and peacemaking. In other words, a new approach is needed.

That is why MIRCURY:

  • looks holistically at the lack of trust, distorted power relations and unequal prosperity opportunities in conflict settings: people, power and prosperity.

  • makes the connection between trust-building as a basis for new power-sharing settings to allow for more equal access to economic opportunities - the human, political and peace dividend dimensions of conflict.

  • collaborates with a wide range of creative minds in multidisciplinary and collaborative teams not only with diplomatic/foreign policy experts.


Multidisciplinary Approach

We believe that sustainable peace solutions can only be achieved when people radically change how they think: the important and sometimes subtle arts of listening, understanding and re-perceiving.  


Violent conflict cannot be reduced without addressing underlying socio-psychological and mental health barriers while dealing with practical issues of power-sharing and economic security. And we are convinced that peace cannot be sustainable when longer term economic incentives are lacking.  


By working collaboratively in multidisciplinary teams and long-term engagements, we address the socio-psychological, political and economic drivers of conflict together.

Multidisciplinary teams

We are convinced that different kinds of practitioners have distinctly different insights - each of which is indispensable - to solving violent conflict long-term. Working collaboratively allows us to bring new ideas, technology, and methods together:  


(Socio-)Psychologists and


To better understand human emotions

Artist Painting on Canvas

Artists and creative thinkers

To bring innovation to human community interaction and foster imagination for initiatives on a more prosperous future


Diplomats, negotiators and lawyers

To translate needs into practical solutions


Historians and anthropologists

To better grasp the social context of human conflict

Paris La Defense

Economists, business experts, and entrepreneurs

To identify economic opportunities and conducive market forces to support sustainable peace conditions.


Military and security experts

To address new (environmental) dimensions of security challenges

We work very closely with local partners. We do not impose solutions but try to contribute pragmatically to a process that allows local solutions to thrive. We diversify our work. Not only do we mediate and facilitate dialogues, we also orchestrate, persuade, connect, create, rethink and advise on conflict management. We take a comprehensive approach as we think that peace is more than the absence of war and violence but also includes economic and social well-being, political inclusion, justice, and human and physical safety. 


A collaborative resolution process

We establish dialogues and advise parties in conflict on resolution. We introduce a new process where we (i) address the psychological barriers of reconciliation to foster trust building, (ii) provide concrete solutions for power sharing challenges to support pragmatic problem-solving and (iii) utilize future economic opportunities to incentivise sustainable agreements and resilient societies.  


We conduct multidisciplinary diagnoses of conflicts, which allows us to make in-depth multi-dimensional analyses of the structures of conflict. We make use of new technologies to better understand how ideas, behaviours and mindsets are influenced by our inherent characteristics, in particular in group conflicts.  

Social platforms

 On the basis of the outcomes of the dialogues we build social platforms and empower economic initiatives to influence transformation of mindsets in societies. We foster new relationships, new conversations and new groups for people to be part of. We strengthen entrepreneurship by driving new low- and high-tech start-ups and social entrepreneurship. These are the seeds of transformation.  


In our dialogues we make use of new tools such as dignity, empathy, and non-violent communication methods along with new technologies and “out of the ordinary” locations for our dialogues. We apply systemic work, lifting subconscious patterns within group-systems to the surface. We conduct future scenario planning: how to shape relationships for the next 10 years and unlock polarization. We substantiate new narratives with concrete initiatives to address power sharing challenges in the political, and socio-economic sectors - through dialogues and initiatives on issues such as governance and institution building.

Contribution to the international discourse

As we present a new multidisciplinary approach, we continue to evaluate, improve and finetune our concept and as such contribute to international discourse on conflict resolution. 

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